Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why do teens use drugs?

"Why did you throw your life away?" my mom said. "Why did you have to make a bad example on your little sisters?" All over the world teens try drugs. Only to either make their parents think "What did I do wrong? or Why can't I protect them?" Most teens don't care if it makes their parents feel bad or if it makes even them feel bad about themselves. Teens pressure each other everyday to use drugs by saying "it's cool", "relax",and so on. Most teens say they want to say no but that can't, but the real reason is because they don't want to stop using the drugs.

One of the possible causes of teens using drugs is because they want to be treated better or fit in more. Sometimes when teens are at school that get treated different because they aren't doing what other teens are doing after school. For instance, some teens will walk past other people and over hear them talking about going and doing it after school. They also hear them say how cool it is and how it is so fun. So the teen will walk up to them and ask if they can join. Teens put peer pressure on one another and make them feel bad if they don't do drugs. They will say things like "your a goody two shoes or your a nerd." They ones that say that don't realize how it makes the other person feels. Teens might become depressed or sad by the things that others say about them or to them.
Another possible cause why teens are trying/using drugs is because they want to be the "bad kid". They want to be known as the bad kid throughout the school and to their friends and peers. This may seem stupid and dumb to parents or adults but to teens it is a sign of popularity. Most teens want to be popular to be noticed, to be the fun person to hang around or the person that if their name is mentioned someone will say "oh I know that guy/girl!". Teens think that doing drugs does make them "cool". Most teens want to be popular for the wrong reasons and that is one of them.

After, Teens also have many other reasons why they would want to use drugs. Maybe they heard of how drugs can relieve stress. If the person has many things either going on at home or if the have just a lot of things going on in their lives in general. The teens will have this as a last "resort". Teens can be influenced that drugs can be relieving so they think that if they do them that the problems will just go away. That isn't true though. If you have problems they aren't going to go away just like that. You have to deal with your problems, maybe even settle them. For instance, if you have a guy/girl that you really like, but they don't like you back then your most likely going to be sad. So you deal with the problem with teens running into drugs as a back-up plan. What they really should do is move on because I believe everyone in the world has a special person out there, waiting for them, you just have to live life because they will find you.

In conclusion, teens use drugs for the WRONG reasons. Most teens don't realize that they are till it's to late. The teens use drugs for popularity, stress, to be cool, or even to be treated better. Talk to your kids about this or if your a teen then don't make the mistake that most teens do.