Thursday, September 17, 2009


I found a cool website on relationship problems or problems in general. I think that couples that are having problems would benefit form looking at this because it could help them with issues like cheating or getting into fights with other people. This can tell you ways to solve your problems and it has people who have been caught in the same situations as you may be. Sometimes I even go to this sight for help, specially when i have relationship problems. It has advice and tips that can really help. For example, this man was raised in Chicago's west side who says that he has seen men lose their lives for a woman and or turf or even money. It also explains home bad a relationship can affect a life or a mood of someone. I even agree with this websites information on relationships. So check it out.


  1. Why link the word "Chicago" and not "website"? lose vs. loose

  2. Wow.
    That was a really good blog over relationships.
    Keep it up! :D
